
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme Default locale
- Fallback locales


Defined 0

These messages are correctly translated into the given locale.

None of the used translation messages are defined for the given locale.

Fallback 55

These messages are not available for the given locale but Symfony found them in the fallback locale catalog.

Locale Fallback locale Domain Times used Message ID Message Preview
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 app.ui.homepage_meta_title Винетка, мост такса и RCA онлайн |
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 3 app.ui.rca RCA
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 4 app.ui.vignette Винетка
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 4 app.hu_vignette.hu_vignette Huvinieta
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme ro messages 4 app.ui.nn_insurance Centura de Protectie NN
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 4 app.ui.toll_tax такса за мост
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 4 app.ui.license_recovery Възстановяване на шофьорска книжка
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme ro messages 4 app.ui.telemedicine.menu_entry Telemedicină
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme ro messages 4 app.ui.road_assistance Asistență Rutieră
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 2 app.ui.sign_in въведете акаунта
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 2 app.ui.our_services Услуги фирми
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 2 app.ui.faq FAQ
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 4 контакт
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 Търсене
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 Пазаруване
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 app.ui.my_account Моята сметка
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 app.ui.products Продукти
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 Бизнес услуги
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 app.ui.call_center Call Center
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme ro messages 1 app.ui.road_assistance_page_title Asistență Rutieră - Tractare și Depanare Oriunde în România
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 2 app.ui.about_us За нас
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 app.ui.company_services Бизнес услуги
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 app.ui.rovignette_online винетка онлайн
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 app.ui.vignette_europe Софт Европа
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 реклама
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme ro messages 1 app.ui.scala_pay_locations Locatii Scala Pay
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 2 app.ui.scala_assistance Мащабна помощ
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 SRL
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 2 app.ui.legislation Законодателството
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 app.ui.download_vignette Изтеглете винетка
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 app.ui.terms_and_conditions Условия за ползване
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 сигурност
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 app.ui.gdpr защита на данни
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 app.ui.consumer_protection Защита на потребителите
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 app.ui.iso_9001 Сертифициране по ISO 9001
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 app.ui.cookie Cookie
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme ro messages 1 app.ui.baar_rca Termeni si Conditii Asigurari & Petitii
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 app.ui.useful_info Полезна Информация
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 app.ui.how_much_vignette Колко струва винетка?
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 app.ui.vignette_alert Сигнали винетки
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 app.ui.webmaster уебмастъра
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 app.ui.carrier Сигнали винетки
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 app.ui.client_black_list клиенти в черен списък
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme ro messages 1 app.ui.informations_and_articles Informatii si Articole
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme ro messages 1 app.ui.press_releases_archive Arhiva Comunicate de Presa
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 app.ui.exchange_rate Обмен
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 Последните новини
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 app.ui.newsletter_subscribe Абонирайте се за нашия бюлетин и <br/> бъдете първият, който ще разбере последните новини за пътищата, данъците и други важни неща за водачите и други.
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 app.ui.email_address e-mail адрес
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 app.ui.subscribe_wish Абонирам се
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 app.ui.reserved_rights Всички права запазени.
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 app.ui.terms_of_use Условия за ползване
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 app.ui.privacy_policy Политика за поверителност
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 app.ui.desktop_version Вариант на работния плот
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme bg messages 1 app.ui.mobile_version Мобилен вариант

Missing 2

These messages are not available for the given locale and cannot be found in the fallback locales. Add them to the translation catalogue to avoid Symfony outputting untranslated contents.

Locale Domain Times used Message ID Message Preview
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme messages 4 app.ui.fines.menu_entry app.ui.fines.menu_entry
bg@acme-bootstrap-child-theme messages 4 app.ui.tariffs.menu_entry app.ui.tariffs.menu_entry